Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Where is God when trauma happens?


It was August 16. 

Fernanda Pacheco Ferras, a 13 year old Brazilian schoolgirl, poked her head out of the schoolbus window as she waved to friends.  The bus veered to avoid a collision, and Fernanda's head collided with a pole. Francesca died from her injuries before medical personnel could get to her.

The secretary of state for education suspended classes for two days to give the community opportunity to mourn this tragic loss. (link)

Traumatic loss is so hard to deal with. There is usually no preparation. It just happens, suddenly. One moment Fernanda is with us, the next she is gone. Her friends are in shock, grieving the untimely loss of a vivacious young schoolgirl.

Where is God in this?

The Bible makes numerous references to God being a father to the fatherless, a husband to the widow,